If you eloped and had a “big wedding” later…

How did you handle the ceremony? The flexibility is a nice and I’ve heard from others that the pressure is off since you’re already married, but do people do a full ceremony, how do you handle language, etc.? I know some people look at it as a vow renewal also.

I’ve also heard people mention that friends and family can sometimes get upset they missed the elopement and “feel cheated”, though I’m not sure if that will be the case with our guests, so curious if this was the case for others. Most people should know via social media and word of mouth that we are legally married already.

Would love to hear the approaches people have taken!

Thanks all!

EDIT: Sorry for not mentioning earlier - we already eloped! We had only a few witnesses, and the most wonderful elopement, it is simple but everything we wanted. Our vows were meaningful and we opted to not just do it “on paper” in the sense that my partner and I really do “feel” and act married now. My partner does have a huge family and does still want the big wedding, which I don’t NEED be think will be enjoyable. Just trying to piece together how to do this big wedding when we already feel married and shared such meaningful vows! My partners parent shared a short of them from our elopement at a holiday party too so, none of this is a secret. I think everything will be fine whatever we do but I’m so interested in others experiences on this!