Made this pwm controlled sstc circuit but it looks wierdly simple.

i hope yall can read my writings the scribbles on the bottom was just me trying to explain a teslacoil to my dad.

the HCVS is high current voltage supply probaply not how it should be oh well VS is just the voltage supply for the transistor logic and MDVS is for the mosfet gates not sure what i meant by that lable i was high off of redbull while scribbling this.

umm im just looking for some opinions on the scematic and the things i missed. ty in advance

i hope yall can read my writings the scribbles on the bottom was just me trying to explain a teslacoil to my dad.

the HCVS is high current voltage supply probaply not how it should be oh well VS is just the voltage supply for the transistor logic and MDVS is for the mosfet gates not sure what i meant by that lable i was high off of redbull while scribbling this.

umm im just looking for some opinions on the scematic and the things i missed. ty in advance