Runes are Stars and this explains why sorcerers are used to create Graven Masses, why "great weight makes for great strength" (Verdigris Discus), why glintstone sorcerers study "the life within stars", and so much more
Golden Runes function like stars, with mass and gravity, and the Rune is in our head. This is why sorcerers are gathered into Graven Masses (gravity masses) to form the "seeds of stars". Because the seed of stars is enough mass to cause gravitational collapse.
The growth of Runes parallels the growth of stars. Golden Rune [1] begins as a protostar, a tiny mass surrounded by gaseous runes. By gathering enough runes, enough mass, the size of the Rune increases and becomes more like a red giant, until it gathers so much mass that it collapses into a black hole, aka singularity.
A powerful enough individual becomes their own black hole, their own singularity. The more mass you have, the more gravitational pull you have, the more weight you have. This is why "great weight makes for great strength" as described in the Verdigris Discus.
The Rune is in our head. Grace/Runes do not just gather in the two eyes in our head, but in our inner eyes, our third eye. Because the Rune represents our brain, our memory, our consciousness, our soul.
The reason why is because our brain functions like a star. Our memories/neurons are causalities, individual meanings, and our consciousness is ultimately a process of regression, a convergence of these many meanings into one thing: us. The pull of meaning between neurons is akin to the pull of gravity between celestial bodies. The key concept is the idea of pull. This is how we can conjoin Inner Order & Outer Order and why the laws of Golden Order Fundamentalism (laws of the soul) are the same as the laws of glintstone sorcery (laws of the stars).
Runes, aka souls, are stars, but the reverse is also true: Stars are souls. The Sun may have been a giant Golden Rune, a giant SOUL (lol like the Latin word for "sun", Sol ~ Soul ~ Castle Sol, lot's of fun wordplay here). The Erdtree is a Tree of Souls, and the Erdtree once was as warm as a gentle sun - possibly because the Sun itself was imbued into the Erdtree. This explains why glintstone sorcery is "the study of the stars and the life within".
I go into all of this and WAY more detail in this video, if you are interested: