First miniature in over a decade

I was into 40K when I was really young, I had a few minis when I was 12. I tried my hand at painting them but I remember being so frustrated with how bad they all looked.

I picked up the Combat Patrol box recently and decided I would start an Ulthwé army now that I’m in my mid 20s.

I’m thinking of adding a bit more red somewhere for more flair, and also doing more edge highlights with a lighter layer like Pallid Wych Flesh. I might also go over the bone again with some Morghast Bone to make the color pop a bit more after the sepia wash I added.

Any criticisms/ideas for me? I had a lot of fun with this Guardian Defender, but would love to get better.

I was into 40K when I was really young, I had a few minis when I was 12. I tried my hand at painting them but I remember being so frustrated with how bad they all looked.

I picked up the Combat Patrol box recently and decided I would start an Ulthwé army now that I’m in my mid 20s.

I’m thinking of adding a bit more red somewhere for more flair, and also doing more edge highlights with a lighter layer like Pallid Wych Flesh. I might also go over the bone again with some Morghast Bone to make the color pop a bit more after the sepia wash I added.

Any criticisms/ideas for me? I had a lot of fun with this Guardian Defender, but would love to get better.