Which Costs Less?

I'm sure someone here has done the math.

Is it cheaper overall to craft needed ingredients first before crafting higher artifacts from them? Or is it the same GE cost to simply use lower artifacts from the inventory?

And how about XP?

Using the image as an example... To use the least amount of GE, do you suggest simply crafting the T4 Deflector as shown? Or should I craft the needed T4 ship first (separately) and then the Deflector afterwards?

Obviously I want to wait until a crafting sale to do it.

I'm sure someone here has done the math.

Is it cheaper overall to craft needed ingredients first before crafting higher artifacts from them? Or is it the same GE cost to simply use lower artifacts from the inventory?

And how about XP?

Using the image as an example... To use the least amount of GE, do you suggest simply crafting the T4 Deflector as shown? Or should I craft the needed T4 ship first (separately) and then the Deflector afterwards?

Obviously I want to wait until a crafting sale to do it.