Rivas Matchmaking Bots Issue
Here is an issue I've noticed in the last few days about Rivals matchmaking. There seems to be some type of bots or hackers during rivals matchmaking on PS that make it impossible to find matches. I have to queue for 30 matches before I can find a real person to play.
As you can see in the images every time the jersey matchmaking screen cancels, you get a message that whoever you were trying to match with joined your lobby. What is funny is that on various occasions you get the same format of username: 5 capital letters, underscore or hyphen, followed by 7 characters, either ending with 2 or 3 digits. I've tested this many times with real players and you actually find that their real username appears so this isn't just an encoding from EA to hide PS usernames.
It's very frustrating and concerning that this is happening so I wanted to shine a light on it.