Another fucking update on the lawsuit against Famy’s husband, Dillon King (the Wellington’s lawsuit).

Last week, the plaintiff subpoenaed one of Dillon’s banks to produce monthly account statements for all accounts that Dillon has the authority to withdraw money from. They want to see the monthly statements from January 2024 through February 2025 (the duration of the lawsuit). They specifically identified two other bank accounts that are of interest to them. Also, they want to see the documents that were executed when the accounts were created that give Dillon the authority to withdraw money from them. The following day, Dillon’s attorney filed a motion to quash the subpoena and requested a hearing on the matter.

It’s notable that earlier in February, Dillon complied with a previous subpoena and submitted all requested financial information to the court under seal.

I am an attorney, but have never practiced in Arkansas. This subpoena set off my spidey senses because this is something I would file if I suspected that the opposing party was hiding assets.