The DLS community should unite to stop FTG's greed
While a lot of people have been mostly ranting about gameplay from the start of this DLS, I think what is most rant worthy thing in the game currently is the unjustifiable changes that FTG have made since the start of the game which are completely ruining the F2p environment
I am back with my very bad editing skills ( which lowkey improved because i changed the editor i use ) to address this very concerning issue
I call all my Dream league soccer peers ( C spammers Tiki Taka lovers and people with no tactical identity alike ) to protest and oppose these very unfair changes that FTG are making
Which are ruining out beautiful game ( calling this game beautiful is such a bad lie )
I know that FTG are doing this to gain some extra cash to pay the licensing rights and to be able to live in this UK economy which have been plagued with high inflation rates
But i would like to remind FTG that we its own players are also suffering from inflation , poverty and high egg prices so they should not push us to pay for their game too
While a lot of people have been mostly ranting about gameplay from the start of this DLS, I think what is most rant worthy thing in the game currently is the unjustifiable changes that FTG have made since the start of the game which are completely ruining the F2p environment
I am back with my very bad editing skills ( which lowkey improved because i changed the editor i use ) to address this very concerning issue
I call all my Dream league soccer peers ( C spammers Tiki Taka lovers and people with no tactical identity alike ) to protest and oppose these very unfair changes that FTG are making
Which are ruining out beautiful game ( calling this game beautiful is such a bad lie )
I know that FTG are doing this to gain some extra cash to pay the licensing rights and to be able to live in this UK economy which have been plagued with high inflation rates
But i would like to remind FTG that we its own players are also suffering from inflation , poverty and high egg prices so they should not push us to pay for their game too