Why 100 hours?

Coming from RTS games because a friend in real life plays Dota 2. Why is it 100 hours before you can be ranked?

What's the point of the lowest tier if you're not ranked until after 100 hours?

I'm trying to get better at this game but want to give up playing all together. Unranked is full of people with 1000 + matches playing insanely difficult heroes. Why do I need to play these completely one sided games in order to be ranked?

What's the point of ranking if I can't improve my game quality and matches until I've been playing for 2-3 months ? (assuming I play 1 hour every day).

This feels like the worst decision for getting new players.

Was the plan always to have new players match against a disorganized group of other new players and seasoned veterans? Is the no strategy unranked mode a kind of hazing created by the development team on purpose? Is this so that any improvements a new player makes on their part have zero impact on their future matches?

Is this the design they want?

I see no reason why 100 hours is a reasonable time before you can be placed in more even matches. But maybe I'm just bad and a cry baby.

Posted this on the community hub too.