Off from Insta

it has been like around a month or so since ive deactivated my insta and later realised how shitty my attention span was.i couldnt even sit myself to watch a standup show that was like 10 minutes,forget watching a movie.

though it was a small move,yet im jus so happy to be away from it cz now ion have to think like-oh its NY2025,gotta put a story or like-what did he msg me back?,did he see my stry?,this is funny,i should prolly post it.i remember watching my posts for like hours(perfectionism prob).whats funny isthat i used to log in insta in my pc and then watch it rather than watching it on phone(im talking abt incog mode cz my parents wouldve kicked my ass off if they found my real acc),yes i was(or maybe 'am') this fucked up.

idk why but it had rly made me like some sort of attention seeking hoe that wanted compliments.but anyways,trust me, it is hard at first,youd be like- atleast i did it for like 3 days and activate it again,but please dont f'in do it.also soon imtrying to cut off yt too and involve more boredom in my life as for me,that gets me ideas.

also one of the major things ive noticed why someone could be involved in doomscrolling sometimes is to hide their emotion-so rather,let your emotions flow.let that overthinking begin.write those thoughts down,record it whatever but scrolling through em wont rly help at all.this gave me the empty spaces for me to correct my mistakes and to stop much of my overthinking tbh.

yes,it is the damn phone.

~plz feel free to drop some advice to improve this detox thingy.(unusual ones are my fav)