A PC had their Spicy Book Collection Stolen. Need 50 spicy fantasy novel names.

Hello! We are playing a lower stakes, semi-serious PI campaign that is heavy in mystery and roleplay. I have many plans for the mysteries they will solve and the drama surrounding their family. After taking on some very contenious cases, their house was robbed. Some strange things were stolen or destroyed, including a collection of spicy romance novels one player collected as a funny quirk of the character. We love it, and it's had hilarious results so far. This game is all about the good laughs and enjoyment of my table!

One PC had a collection of 50 spicy novels out of 100 books on their bookshelf in their room.

I've already added Tusk Love, of course, but what are so other titles you guys can think of???

My player is very interested in a "scavenger hunt" for their missing treasure trove. And I can't pass up that opportunity to make it hilarious and fun for the table. (And yes, all players are comfortable with this at the table. There is no graphic description.)

Help a DM out! Give me your best shot.