Evrart had his shipping container moved with him inside it because [SPOILERS]

He was afraid of being shot by The Deserter.

This observation is shamelessly stolen from Jeffiot's video essay btw, but since it's 5 hours long and I've never seen anyone else talk about this, I figured I'd share it here.

When you talk to Dross about having killed the previous forewoman of the union for the Claires, he mentions how he soured on them after the deal, because they weren't real communists.

Evrart knew about Dross all along, and likely suspected he was the one who shot Lely, but never mentioned it for fear of having his own deal with Dross exposed.

The game kinda passively leads you to think that he doesn't leave his desk or shipping container because he's just so fat, but that doesn't make sense at all if you think about it for more than a second. I fully slapped my forehead when I heard this explanation, I couldn't believe I'd never thought of it.

Has this been pointed out elsewhere and I just missed it?