Dave Dash Absurdity

Okay let me start by just saying I absolutely love the Dave Williams/Dash plot… I thought he was a fantastic character and something of an anti-hero.

However, it’s hard to believe the ridiculousness of his story. Dave was from Fairview and the show goes out of their way to point out how many near run-ins Susan had with his family over the years. Presumably, many people from Fairview would have known the Dash’s. The deaths of Layla and Paige Dash would have been highly publicized, further putting Dave in the spotlight. Yet when he moves to Wisteria Lane with Edie, absolutely nobody recognizes him?! Like where is the logic??

I understand it’s a show and we are meant to suspend our disbelief on many occasions but this one really took the cake for me 😂 I’m sure this has been discussed on here before, but it’s so absurd it deserves another discussion!

Okay let me start by just saying I absolutely love the Dave Williams/Dash plot… I thought he was a fantastic character and something of an anti-hero.

However, it’s hard to believe the ridiculousness of his story. Dave was from Fairview and the show goes out of their way to point out how many near run-ins Susan had with his family over the years. Presumably, many people from Fairview would have known the Dash’s. The deaths of Layla and Paige Dash would have been highly publicized, further putting Dave in the spotlight. Yet when he moves to Wisteria Lane with Edie, absolutely nobody recognizes him?! Like where is the logic??

I understand it’s a show and we are meant to suspend our disbelief on many occasions but this one really took the cake for me 😂 I’m sure this has been discussed on here before, but it’s so absurd it deserves another discussion!