Game need's loot timers on killed enemy players

got an 8 kill raid game the other day on zero damn normal it was me my brother and a random in admin they killed the random and i soloed their whole squad and revived the random he ran away and looted after eventually me and my brother went to extraction and a squad was camping exfil so i killed them by myself then a duo showed up i killed them as well our team mate was no help didnt shoot a single bullet wasnt even there for the gun fight nothing, so i start reviving my brother and my brother says dude let us loot the bodies first since it was just us fighting i go in one of the guys bags i killed he had a 2.7 mill red the mini reactor core on him our random yanks it right out the bag lol tarkov didnt have loot timers for the enemies you killed but atleast you could spray them in their faces and send them back to the main menu when they got greedy in your bags