I want to be religious but i can't find one religion that i truly believe
I truly believe in god and i want to follow a religion to be closer to him.
Here are my doubts about the most popular religions (at least in the "west") that i hope some of you can clarify:
Christianity (catholicism) ‐ why is jesus the messiah if he didn't do everything that was said that the messiah would do? and was he really born in bethelem? why don't christians eat kosher or get circumsised like the old testament says? (it seems to be like just a way to attract more people to the religion). Can non christians go to heaven?
Judaism - why is jesus not the messiah? if jesus is not the messiah, why didn't the messiah arrive before the destruction of the second Temple? do you believe there will be a messiah? is it easy to convert in a country like Portugal? can non jews go to heaven?
Islam - i really don't know many things about islam, i just feel like most of the arguments used to defend islam are used more to disprove christianity than to prove that your religion is right. can you explain it to me why is islam the right one? can non muslims go to heaven?
I'm just 17 and i had no religious education, so i apologize if i offended any religion or got some facts wrong. I'm portuguese, pretty much everyone around here is catholic so i guess i grew up catholic although i'm not baptized. (sorry for my english).