McGinnis needs a buff
"Controls the battle with combat turrets" my ass, the nerfs to her turrets have absolutely killed the identity of this character, no gun build is not a viable replacement considering all her other abilities have more synergy with what should be her most common build, spirit turret build. Gun build is cope, shes way to slow and has no ability to hunt down or close the gap, low stamina, all her skills are built around her controlling an area while being stationary in a game with a lot of movement which is already an inherent disadvantage, gun build just does not synergize with her kit at all.
Due to all the AoE, CC and high mobility shes faced with her turrets were her only way to control the pace of engagements and make her slow fat ass somewhat not as easy to jump in on and beam to death, but now that they essentially die in one shot to anything thrown at them, picking McGinnis feels like griefing your team.
They need to revert her nerfs like they did with bebop and allow her to actually do what she was designed to fucking do, control space.