Hey all I could use some advice
So I just finished the mission to bring Sara the yeast, up to that point I’ve done every regular mission available. The only missions I have left are extermination of the nests in crier valley (which none are left on the map but it says I’m at 29/42) and Chemult campus extermination (which I can’t get into. The only other mission I have is to go to the Nero checkpoint inside the campus (yet again I still can’t get inside) typically by this point I’d have gotten a radio call that someone needs me for a mission or they give me a name of someone to kill or rescue. This time nothing, radio silence. So I can’t get into the campus and I don’t see any more nests on the map. How do I proceed? Sorry if this is a stupid question this is my first playthrough of this game and I’m in love with it! Hopefully someone can help and thank you for anyone who reads or responds!
So I just finished the mission to bring Sara the yeast, up to that point I’ve done every regular mission available. The only missions I have left are extermination of the nests in crier valley (which none are left on the map but it says I’m at 29/42) and Chemult campus extermination (which I can’t get into. The only other mission I have is to go to the Nero checkpoint inside the campus (yet again I still can’t get inside) typically by this point I’d have gotten a radio call that someone needs me for a mission or they give me a name of someone to kill or rescue. This time nothing, radio silence. So I can’t get into the campus and I don’t see any more nests on the map. How do I proceed? Sorry if this is a stupid question this is my first playthrough of this game and I’m in love with it! Hopefully someone can help and thank you for anyone who reads or responds!