Can I configure my radio or hotspot for DMR MARC? How? Hotspots are PIs running WPSD, radios are Anytone and others running OpenGD77.
I am trying to better understand DMR-MARC but honestly not a lot to search over the net, Reddit, Youtube etc. All I see is few years old outdated content. DMR MARC site is not helpfull either.
I do have 3 PI hotspots and DMR radios that I connect with Brandmesiter, TGIF and local DMR enabled repeater, however cannto figure out how to connect with DMR MARC talkgroups!
I see some are have the same number as BrandMeister TGs, which makes it confusing, I also understand a couple repeaters in my area are DMR-MARC but I cannot distinguish it from Brandmeister linked repeaters.
Also confusing the joining with DMR Plus...