Tried sanding down my feature wall in preparation for another coat - does this look right?

As per the comments in my previous post people suggested to sand down and wash the wall for another coat of paint. Based on searching comments on Reddit it looks like the most recommended way is to use a pole sander, and the grit suggested is anywhere between 100 to 200 or so. I've had a look on YouTube and all the tutorials are for white walls, so I'm not sure what a coloured wall is supposed to look like after sanding.

I tried using 180 grit aluminium oxide sandpaper, and the first thing I noticed was unevenness is the sanding - the two left and right edges of the rectangular sander would sand more than the centre. I also noticed some areas where a whole patch would be sanded and others much less so.

I don't know what its supposed to look like when sanded, am I just needing a light sand, or should the whole wall look a bit sanded down i.e. turn a light blue colour?