The Absolute Universe Thus Far
So I've been reading some of the Absolute DC books over the last several months [primarily Absolute Wonder Woman] and I'm curious to know how people are feeling about these so far.
Personally I have enjoyed Absolute Wonder Woman a good deal. Feels like a refreshing take on Diana that doesn't comprise her into something unrecognisable, instead opting to tweak the world Diana's in and her upbringing, while retaining the established characterisation of Diana herself. Also love the exploration of the arcane side of Greek Mythology, as that doesn't get enough attention.
I am however not taking to Absolute Batman or Superman. Both of these versions just feel like they have the worse traits writers have given to them, like Batman being a nigh unstoppable Batgod with a another plan up his @#$, or Superman being reduced to an alienated and distant figure similar to his Synderverse counterpart.
I have mixed feeling about the larger world these books are establishing, as I don't like that most of Batman's icon rogues are his childhood friends or that Peacemaker is know just a member of a larger security force, but I do like the direction they chose for Krypton with its intense social stratification and the lovecraftian esque monsters that Diana fights also seem interesting.
My gut feeling however is that DC only did this as a marketing stunt in order to boost sales, particularly as the aesthetic throughout these books comes off as rule of cool more than anything else, something especially obvious in Absolute Batman with Batman brutally chopping peoples hands off, driving a dump truck for a Batmobile and causing collateral damage to infrastructure [and yet we're supposed to believe he doesn't kill anyone in the process].
Then again, DC is releasing another 3 series in March and April and seem intent on keeping this Universe going until the next big DC event series. I am interested in Absolute Flash and especially Absolute Martian Manhunter [seriously those preview shots of the art are truely amazing!], so I'll probably read those at least, but I don't think I'll read more of Absolute Batman or Superman.