help plating tiramisu/recipe troubleshooting :(((

hey, i have a tiramisu recipe that i absolutely love flavor-wise. and i dont mind eating it out od the dish lol. But im having a party soon and i have to make it. i was hoping i'd be able to get out clean and shaped portions.

so... are the ladyfingers supposed to be dry? i dip my ladyfingers for like 10 seconds... i know its a lot! but even when i do that, the biscuits only get moist on the outer layer bit kinda dry inside.

and ive seen chefs just brush some espresso... so im guessing the biscuit is supposed to be on the dryer side?

also, my cream is kinda on the drippier side, would adding gelating help me get better slices?

does the amount of cream i use between layer affect the consistency?should i go for more or less cream in between layers?

help :(

the cream recipe is 160gr mascarpone, 5-6 eggs, 60gr sugar. it makes a rather liquid (not so runny) cream... im guessing thats bad?