Lets be honest about Sliding mode control (SMC)

Recently, I started experimenting with control during my free time. So far, I’ve implemented state-space control, LQR, and a Kalman filter on a simple DC motor. Now, I’d like to dive into nonlinear controllers and, since I took a course on robust control many years ago, I started looking into SMC again.

But after browsing Reddit I’ve noticed that many people seem to have only an intellectual interest in SMC and consider it unusable for real-world applications. Is this really the case? Should I skip SMC and go straight to Model Predictive Control (MPC) or Neural Network (NN) control?

Are there any specific use cases where SMC shines, such as robotics or trajectory tracking? Also, I’d love recommendations for hands-on nonlinear control projects that are worth trying.

Would appreciate any insights from those with experience in the field!