Just because one doesn't support every decision the Trump administration makes does not make one a "fake conservative".
Look I have been a conservative since I was 22, I am currently 28. Having blind support for the Trump administration doesn't make you a conservative, and neither does the willingness to criticize the administration.
I really like what Trump is doing with immigration this has been a long time coming. I like that he is talking about cutting federal spending and getting the budget under control. I like that he talks about paying of the deficit. I don't like that he is backing Putin on Ukraine, I don't like that he is outright calling the President of Ukraine a dictator. I don't like that he is causing a riff between some of our closest allies. I don't like that he is weakening US Military presence. I don't like that he is butting into state business, where he has no right to, especially because he ran on LESS federal power and MORE states rights.
Like any President, he is doing some good, and doing some not so good. But America really can do so much better. We can negotiate with our allies without airing our dirty laundry in public for the world to see, can't people see how weak that makes the west look? We can negotiate peace in Ukraine without completely throwing Ukraine under the buss and not even including them in initial negations, then inflaming them by calling their Democratically elected President a DICTATOR while being friendly with an ACTUAL DICTATOR of a COMMUNIST country.
He ran on reducing federal intervention in the decisions states make, and now he is turning around and trying to tell NY how they can run their own state. I am from NY and NYC public transit is so outdated and in disarray it is honestly embarrassing, congestion taxes is going to generate funds to modernize the entire system. NYC Metro literally has train cars upwards of 100 years old still in service because they don't have the funding to buy new ones. Look at any modern city, they all have advanced public transit systems, and they are all better for it. NYC is the crown jewel of the country and it should LOOK that way.
Like any President, he is doing some good, and doing some not so good. You blindly supporting every decisions he makes, especially when it is completely contradictory to ACTUAL conservatism, doesn't make you a "real conservative" it makes you foolish.
what do Conservatives stand for? According to the AI gods....
Tradition & Stability – Conservatives often prioritize historical customs, institutions, and cultural continuity, believing they provide a stable foundation for society.
Limited Government – Many conservatives advocate for smaller government involvement, especially in economic affairs, emphasizing personal responsibility and free-market principles.
Individual Responsibility – A belief that people should be responsible for their own success and well-being, rather than relying heavily on government assistance.
Law & Order – Support for strong legal structures, enforcement, and respect for authority to maintain societal stability.
Moral & Social Values – Often upholding traditional social norms, such as those related to family, religion, and community life.
Pragmatism over Ideology – Change should be slow, deliberate, and tested rather than revolutionary or utopian.
I know this sub is moderated by reasonable people, so I don't think I am getting the ban hammer for this. I am hoping for some good faith common sense conversation on this post.