Do you offer extension to a coach in his first year w/ the team after great first season?

At what point do you try to lock down your head coach to make sure he doesn't move on? Talking specifically about Pat Kelsey at Louisville. The Cardinals have had a rough decade and this has been a good season (finally). The YUM Center has been rocking at home games. The team is so fun to watch.

What's the balance in making sure it's not a one year and done situation vs. making sure Kelsey doesn't leave for another offer?

Right now, it's $2.3M a year thru 2029. Plus all the one-time bonuses for different milestones like reaching the NCAA tourney as an at-large bid.

Obviously, he's not a top coach in the country (yet) so I'm not saying pay him Cal or Izzo money. I just don't want to see Louisville become a stepping stone job for coaches.