Lost our little princess, Ellie Belle, over the weekend.

After having 9 amazing years with her, our little girl crossed the rainbow Bridge. It was unexpected. She woke up in the middle of the night having trouble breathing. We rushed her into urgent care. They found her heart was massively enlarged and retaining fluid. They did everything they could to stabilize her to try and transfer her to an ICU care unit or surgery, but even with IV meds and the oxygen chamber, she did not make it. She passed in the loving arms of loved ones. She was the most beautiful girl, so intelligent, and a treasured member of our family. We are now searching for a memorial urn for her, so if you have any suggestions, please feel free to share.

After having 9 amazing years with her, our little girl crossed the rainbow Bridge. It was unexpected. She woke up in the middle of the night having trouble breathing. We rushed her into urgent care. They found her heart was massively enlarged and retaining fluid. They did everything they could to stabilize her to try and transfer her to an ICU care unit or surgery, but even with IV meds and the oxygen chamber, she did not make it. She passed in the loving arms of loved ones. She was the most beautiful girl, so intelligent, and a treasured member of our family. We are now searching for a memorial urn for her, so if you have any suggestions, please feel free to share.