I hate this.
I just wanted to reset my missions. But I got killed for just spawning in and and existing. I'm just going to delete this slot. Someone went after me, I tried to escape and get somewhere safe but they chased me off the map where I dove into the ocean for the possibility of menuing since you can't menu while gliding.They weren't going after anyone else, and it wasn't the first time they attacked me, they first went after me as a different creature before switching to a flier to pursue me further. The person continued to wait around at the surface of the water until I told them that targeting was a bannable offense and they logged. I drowned before menu count down completed.
They were after me for no good reason, I hadn't done anything. I was just being my Ghibli. I didn't get their username since I didn't have a time to check.
What possesses someone to do that?
It's not like they knew I was venerated because my marker was turned off. So it wasn't because I was venerated. Maybe they were jealous I had Ghibli? It's not super rare or expensive, so I doubt that's it... I don't know, what causes people to harass someone who just spawned in relentlessly?
Why was my weight trait banana Ghibli so offensive to this guy?
Did Spirit airlines do something to hurt him?
Someone said they were probably in a clan, but I don't know much about clans, I don't think they go out of their way to target people. Usually they just kos a bunch then leave.