i'm going to take a slightly different tact with this one.
like many of you, i too was hit up by the latest CRC Scammer, just now: the third or second one, to my count, in 3 months
that's cool
here's what i wonder about, though:
i wonder, how many of us, who got contacted by the scammer, have also been sitting with an, otherwise, (nearly) empty dashboard for the last couple of months or so?
or, if a rare assignment does come down to you, it's either one of those 20¢ MTurk Specials; or, is a "better"-paying assignment, but was already down to 1 spot by the time it showed up?
("oh man," indeed)
that, of itself, is one thing; but then, in an attempt to assuage your frustrations, or to confirm how others are dealing with CRC's.. ..less-than-stellar Quality Control, by hitting up this subreddit, you see some people are still doing pretty alright for themselves
to this day, i've never had a $40 jury duty assignment (needing only 30 - 40 freaking minutes to complete!) come my way — and i have no idea how one could qualify for such a prestigious task, either
(though, as based on that recent post to this forum:
seemingly, the bar for entry for Case Study Surveys should be pretty low
if someone like that [lovely individual] qualifies for such serious duty, why not me?)
for that matter: none of those trial-by-data assignments, that seem to get a lot of derision, here, have shown themselves for months now
even with all the issues there are with TBD, i'm of the stance that when your dashboard is normally empty, some money is better than no money at all
(one "problem" i've had with them, by the by:
is how, for the last few months when their tasks were showing up in my dash, at all, they too were largely "1 Spot Left"s
i was only able to get in, maybe 54% of the time)
my point is: i am curious to know why it's so much easier for the dregs to come our way, than some steady, consistent work?
i'm also a 5-star worker, on cloud reseach #connect; yet, clearly, my experience is far from stellar