Make America Christian Again
Son of a gun, Trump did it. He's making me go back to the church again.
I've been any combination of Deist/Agnostic/Atheist for over 30 years. But this inauguration, seeing all the depravity and degeneracy out of "MAGA" and seeing him rail and bash that Bishop, and contrasting it to all the things President Carter did in his life, has really opened my eyes. I am starting to feel like we are where we are now because more and more people have strayed from the Church. They've lost touch with the moral foundations that have been the bedrock of this country since its inception ( I fully recognize that this nation was founded on Christian ideals even if I personally don't believe its a "Christian nation" per se.) Its this moral bedrock that has led to America becoming what it is today, and this bedrock is now crumbling before our very eyes.
Ironically, one of the best things about being an atheist was it forced me to open up and actually read the Bible in order to argue with Christians. TBH, I still don't think I can ever truly believe in a God on an intellectual basis, but I believe in the morality and the goodness that Jesus preached in the Bible. I also believe in the goodness that comes out of the Church and the folks who congregate.
I find myself in a dark place right now, and I am looking for some place where I can see the goodness in our country again. I am looking hope. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell -- I don't think I'm going to Heaven anyway. I just want to make our current world a little bit more like Heaven. Perhaps I can do it through the Church.