Conservative American Christians who yelled non-stop: “Jesus, Jesus is KING!” while directly ignoring His message, are going to make the whole world remember whose name they shouted and belittle Him BECAUSE of their vote for Trump.

I’d rather post this in r/TrueChristian, but they’ve stopped allowing this sort of commentary to be released. I know I will reach less of those that voted for Trump in this sub, but I will write it here anyway.

I hope you are happy. I mean, we all know why you voted for him: you are just so tired of seeing a man dressed like a woman. That’s basically it. You’re so “persecuted” for not having some common decency and being “silenced” for that indecency and, honestly, outright stupidity.

Let’s be clear, the guy has admitted he’ll be a dictator “only” on day one, but he still used that word. The guy has said he is ready to use military action against Canada and Greenland. He threatened two sovereign states. The guy is supporting Israel. The guy is an ally (if not outright paid by) with Putin. He is going to deny the rights of minorities and promote “white nationalism” at least in a soft sense (Project 2025) - even if no war or outright persecution comes out of this, it will create generations of bitterness and suffering because of what he did. The guy is an accused criminal, and there is loads of evidence for that.

At best, we will get the superpower (that, logically, influences a whole world) decend into corruption and cause bitterness that will plant seeds of contempt for future generations.

At worst? We are getting the first outright invasion by the USA on another country with absolutely no moral justification - we are getting World War III.

But oh, a man dressed like a woman…so horrifying! Good we got rid of that - wars are better than it.

You guys made these songs for him.

You compared him to Christ, claimed he is a Second Coming and cried: “Jesus, Jesus!” at his every speech as if that means anything but empty words. You think you crying: “Jesus!” means anything if you then oppress your neighbour, not care about the poor, condone violence and lift yourselves up in arrogance and pride over the height of Himalayas?

No. It doesn’t.

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’

And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Matthew 7:21-23

This was said for you. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was His direct prophecy of you rather than a general warning to conservative, fundamentalist Christians. I am a stranger, now witnessing the young of Serbia saying: “Enough!” in the middle of Belgrade and rectifying the mistakes of their parents and grandparents, while the corrupt government sends drivers to hit them and thugs to beat them, and I am telling you - you chose wrong. You are naive beyond belief. You do not even know Greek or Hebrew, yet you think you know what the Bible says. You are unable to understand simple biology, to leave people alone and unable to grasp basic media literacy. You are naive, little spoiled brats and you chose hell for the whole world.

The whole world will remember. You complain about the world and the young becoming “less religious”. It’s not because people hate Jesus, it’s because of you humiliating Him and deriding His name. You are driving those people away from God. Satan is not controlling LGBT or Muslims, he is controlling you. You are bothered because people dye their hair, because of some cringy things you saw on TikTok, because you saw black/gay/transgender (insert anything) in a movie and feel it’s “propaganda being pushed on you”, because of being fired after insulting someone among the minorities…you are persecuted? You are claiming: “You can’t speak the truth in 21st Century America…” WTF is being done to you, you are being asked to not be irritating and insulting? You are bothered by TikTok videos?

You don’t care about violence of some immigrants or abortion. You voted for him because cringy TikTok videos bothered you. You fell for the exact same lie Germans and Italians fell for when Hitler and Mussolini fed it to them - of “grandeur”, of “making our country great again”, of “preserving old values”, of “an enemy coming to destroy us”, of “persecution”, of speaking the “uncomfortable truth”. The only difference is Germans and Italians were not nearly as powerful as you - they had no nuclear bombs, for example. I mean, I didn’t need to say that, you don’t know anything about history, after all, you don’t care about your society and learning from mistakes made before. You just cared about cringy videos on TikTok - about “wOkE pRoPaGaNdA?!?!”

You were naive and the generations after you will remember. You will be looked at in history with the same level of contempt as was the average German and Japanese after World War II, as was the average Turk after the Balkan Wars, as the British were after the liberation of India, as the Russians are now viewed in light of Ukraine and Israelis in the light of Palestine.

You have publicly humiliated the figure of Jesus, used His name in vain and chose an antichrist to be your leader.

But I at least hope you’re happy. A cringy TikTok video is such a hooooorible thing to endure…

Edit: …You…you aren’t even denying?!

He threatened two sovereign countries with invasion.