As a customer I find myself wanting to punch other customers A LOT!

The amount of times I have been behind people who just treat you guys like shit is astounding. Theyre also always grown adults? Genuinely what makes people think they can treat people who are serving them like that? YOURE AT A CHIPOTLE NOT THE FOUR SEASONS AND EVEN THEN THERE IS SO EXCUSE TO BE A BLATANT ASSHOLE!!!!!! I have been behind people who are always backtracking on their orders but get mad at the server for the tiniest things like they're dumb. I've been behind people who are upset because they think their server is being too slow and they have places to be. Um hello that's not their fault you have bad time management. Literally people don't get called out or their shit rocked and it pisses me off. y'all's are just trying to get through your shift you don't deserve that. :(