Homages that are presentable and not too on the nose.

I’m looking to buy a Chinese watch to give as a gift.

It would be a graduation gift to my nephew. Initially it was supposed to be a Seiko Dresskx, but over time I realized that the new generations of kids aren’t really into classically traditional things like “proper” wristwatches as it really doesn’t signal anything anymore in their social lives.

So I decided that a watch is still a nice grad gift, something he could use at work or every now and then for weddings and interviews and such, because I believe a gentleman should have proper watches anyways, but I wouldn’t really want to drop more money than I have to because it’s just not the kind of item their generation puts much value into like we do.

Now my criteria are simple:

  • great for an office job
  • doesn’t look too out of place in a suit or going to the mall (a GADA basically)
  • nothing on the dial that would be a possible point of ridicule (so that rules out your odd spelled-out branding)
  • a homage that wouldn’t make a knowledgeable but not enthusiast person point out that you have a shitty homage
  • can also be an “original” though that may be a reach
  • under USD100

A good example which is in my list right now is the Militado Murph homage. Simple “you wouldn’t know it was the Murph if you didn’t know coz it’s just a field watch” design, the broad arrow logo, and that’s it. I wouldn’t even mind “Militado” in block letters because it sounds proper.

A bad example in my opinion would be any Omega Seamaster homage. The design is well known and no bus-riding fresh grad from a third world country is going to be wearing a Seamaster. Also pretty much any Addiesdive watch that doesn’t have a sterile dial.

Any suggestions?