Cheater in denial.
I moved across the country for a boy I met online and was friends with for 8 years. When i moved out there he was super into LARP (live action roleplaying story lines in costumes). So every other weekend he would be out at some campground for the weekend at the events. I went to two events with him but felt very out of place so I ended up not going anymore. But I did meet this girl at LARP that was very close with my boyfriend, I'm not much of a jealous person so I ofc had no issues with him having female friends. But as time went on I noticed just how close they were, we would have people over to drink and game and he would be sitting beside her chatting it up laughing all night pretty much ignoring me. It started to get to me at that point.
Then one day he asked me if he could marry this girl in LARP, for the story.. I was super uncomfortable with it after the events that had happened in the past so I told him clearly I dont think I'd be okay with that and I'm sorry. We continued dating for a couple months after that incident before one day he came home from work and told me he had decided he didnt want a family, (kids) and didnt want to hold me back because he knew I wanted kids, and with that he ended our relationship abruptly in a half hour convo after we had had not one fight the entire relationship.
Fast forward to 8 months later (last week), I still have him on social media because some of my stuff is still out where he lives and I need to get it shipped to me. I go to his facebook to msg him that I have enough money for him to ship the rest of my stuff, and see that he has posted a new profile pic of him and this girl from LARP holding onto eachother, obviously together. I a curious person.. checked the date, it was posted less than a week after I left his place.. but was obviously hidden from my viewing when posted until now and he didnt realize it would still show the old date..
He denies cheating, but I do not believe him. Am I crazy? lol