Broke up with BF over one of Charlotte’s videos 😅
I’m not sure if anyone will see this but I felt like it might be something relevant I could post to this community.
So a bit of context: My sister and I are super close, and she first introduced me to Charlotte’s videos almost a year ago. She said that Charlotte’s humour and personality reminder her a lot of me and my humour and suggested I watch some with her. Since then I’ve binged a good portion of Charlotte’s content and my sister and I have bonded over many a toxic MIL story. I have to say I do agree with my sister, Charlotte’s humour style, way of speaking and even being loud is very similar to me, this part is relevant.
Now onto the story: A few months ago my sister, my then boyfriend and I were watching a random Charlotte video in the living room. It was my boyfriend’s first time watching one of her videos and I was watching to see how he’d react, as her content and humour was something I related to deeply. He was watching for a bit but then got out his noise cancelling headphones and started watching something on his phone. I was a little hurt he hadn’t given the video a chance, but I did understand some content isn’t for everyone. It wasn’t until later when the real issue started. After we’d turned off the TV I’d asked him what he thought of Charlotte, and if he could see the similarities between us. He sort of brushed me off, calling her “loud” and “obnoxious” and that he found the little accents and voices she did “cringy”, and he said he hoped I wouldn’t pick up any of her “weird mannerisms” or get into the habit of talking like that. Now, I don’t normally have a problem with someone disliking a celebrity or influencer, I don’t know them personally so I’m not going to get offended. HOWEVER, I am very much like Charlotte, and his comments on her humour did sting. Plus the comments on him hoping I wouldn’t develop a bad habit of talking like her?? Now, I will add here that my ex and I had been together for 3.5 YEARS at that point. We knew each other very well, so during that conversation I was very confused as to why he hated Charlotte’s humour so much, as, like I said, it’s VERY similar to mine, and why he’d be so worried if I acted a little more like her since we’re already so similar. I told my sister about the interaction and she said it was a weird thing for him to say. She’d suggested I “sus him out” and see if his dislike for Charlotte was just a once off, or if he had a problem with my humour as well.
So next few weeks I amped up the parts of my humour that were most similar to Charlotte’s or the parts he seemed to find “cringy”. Sure enough, he started getting annoyed at me. Now, I was not annoying him on purpose. I was literally just joking around and being more “me” than usual. But me joking around led to conversations with him, telling me that he hated when I joked in certain ways, used silly voices or accents, or said certain words or phrases, because in his words “only weird degenerates talk like that” and telling me that he couldn’t help how he felt, and that it was disrespectful of me to keep doing it. I agreed and toned back to my “normal” ways but he started getting annoyed at that too, saying that if I “continued being cringe” he would just ignore the jokes because he couldn’t help how he felt but he couldn’t stand encouraging this behaviour so he’d just stay quiet if I made a joke that triggered him. This seems like a fake story but I promise this was a fully grown man who said those words and got upset over something this trivial. I feel it necessary to add, I was not making insane jokes, or being rude or anything like that. I was literally just acting like Charlotte does in her videos, which is me normally. Imagine me doing little voices or randomly making noises, being loud when excited, using “brain rot” humour, or breaking out into random accents. Just silly little things, nothing worth getting offended over. My sister was so fed up at this point, and told me that she’d always sort of got the vibe he hated “cringe” humour, or what he considered cringe, and that he was trying to control me and make me less confident. I think he was maybe just insecure and didn’t want a girlfriend who was loud and confident in herself? Either way, I got fed up with it as well.
Now there were other reasons of course, I didn’t end a 3.5 year relationship over a YouTube video, but it was Charlotte’s video that helped me see the flaws in my relationship, and brought out the things I love most in myself, my humour and personality, that I’d been pushing away because my partner found it embarrassing. I ended things with him soon afterwards, and while it was a very difficult conversation, as I still cared deeply about him, it brought me the freedom and peace of mind I’d been lacking for a long time. I can now be “weird and cringe” to my hearts content, and Charlotte, if you ever read this, your videos have not only helped me understand myself and my humour better, but have made me laugh and helped me heal from a difficult breakup.
Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings! 😊