I want to see more goofy female villains
So I was rewatching The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, and while I was busy laughing at the ‘SnooPINGAS usual’ line, I realized something. And that something was that whenever a villain is goofy and laughable, they’re always a guy, Dr. Robotnik, 80’s Shredder, Megamind, Big Jack Horner, they’re always guys.
Female villains on the other hand are always put in one of two categories: sultry seductress, or tragic anti-villain. Occasionally, they’ll be the villain’s sidekick, but then they’ll either be portrayed as being smarter and more competent than the main villain, or their tragically abused underling. As far as I know, female villains are almost never portrayed as the hammy bad guy who shouts “I’LL GET YOU NEXT TIME!!!!” when their evil plan fails.
What I want are more female villains that are just zany, goofy, and funny. Ones that come up with harebrained schemes to destroy the hero that always fail spectacularly. Ones that just revel in the fact that they’re evil and ham it up whenever they get a chance. I want ones that use eloquent, rarely seen insults to ruff up their incompetent henchmen when they mess up.
The only, only example I can think of that is like that is Jessie from Pokémon, and that’s it.