Creations List

There's been a lot of discussion for the new detachment, figured I'd share my experience with it so far so I dont just make the same comments over and over.

I may take this to a small tournament in a few weeks, if that's the case I'll share more then.

So far I am 2-1 with the list, a win against new Deathwatch and a win against Invasion Fleet Tyranids. Loss came against SoulForged CSM which is definitely a bad matchup for how my list is tooled.

Abaddon Cypher MoP Lord w/ perfect specimen

10 Cultists 5 Legio w/ las, 2 chainswords, 2 heavy

5 Chosen w/ fixings 2 Oblit 2 Oblit 5 Possessed 5 Possessed 10 Possessed Forgefiend w/ triple Ecto

10 Plague Marines w/ 2 plasma gun, 2 spewer, 2 blight launchers, 5 heavies

I always run +2" movement and have designed the list to maximize that value. Obliterators with 6" movement are far more usable on the table, usually I use the indirect early to pick off or neuter problematic units. They and the fiend generally staying close to Abaddon for reroll aura.

The 5 man Possessed units are great for harassing and scoring, and the plague marines are my multi-use unit that is also battleline for mission special rules and resurecting bases. Also usually the only unit that receives delayed mutations for +1WS. Never mind sacrificing a plasma gunner to make the unit hit like a truck.

My main concern with the detachment is the lack of access to meaningful rerolls. Outside of the shooting and Abaddon, not a lot of strength for reliable rolls. However the durability, with the 4++ when needed, is respectable. I play out of LoS and the list does reward the play style.

Just something for anyone interested to read through, I'll answer questions if there any but just some food for thought. Chaos reigns.