Finished 1000pts!
Got into the Hobby This year, immediately Fell to Chaos and have been brewing up a custom Warband, whose name I have not figured out yet! But I have painted 1,000 pts of them officially! The idea is that they are a renegade Warband cobbled together from a Company of Night Lords who turned to Slaanesh after their Captain, (The Chaos Lord on Jump Pack, Named Zsarl Tarn) started having visions of Fulgrim’s Return. Now they ally themselves more with the Emperor’s Children, and have conquered an imperial planet to use the population to massively “recruit” new marines to help “Make the Galaxy Right for HIS return!”
Not pictured are the Possessed, Heldrake, Keeper of Secrets, and Raptor Squads I have unfinished. All built just not all painted.