The Corvus-Riaan Border Conflict 1965-1967
(This took an entire night to do this. ) Fan lore: At the region of Northen Centaura, where two nations grow tensions between each other. These nations were call Corvus and Riaa. After Forman War in 1961 as Corvus gets Southern Corvus back from annexation from Cetus. As for Riaa it wasn't going good as the Republic Of Riaa was defeated and was occupied by socialist and Riaan National Forces.
In 1962, the Corvun Government decided to mobilize its forces and decrease their border to South and North. The Riaan National Forces had poorly equipped soldiers due to the Riaan Civil War but was given support from Ursa. The Orionite Government feared Riaa taking over Centaura and spreading socialist ideology would become threat to them.
The Orionite Government asked the Corvun Government to build their bases near the border. As the Corvuns were concerned but accepted it and later 4 Orionite bases were constructed near in the Northern Border.
As the Riaans got Dragon 62 tank from idea from Ursan tank designers. As the Corvuns learn about this they quickly built their main battle tanks and some of their classified equipment. One of these classified equipment was a tank but wasn’t an ordinary tank but a “Super Heavy Tank”.
This was 5 years back in March 8th, 1956 when the Corvun Government decided to develop their “Super Heavy Tank” in Ravo. Later it was produced 6,983 to 9,948. (1956-1983) The designer, Rammstein Gunther was a former Corvun major veteran tanker in 1908-1947.
Rammstein was concerned of Corvus future tanks and later in 1950, he gathered his old colleagues from his battalion then designing tanks for the Department Of Defense. When he was taking a break and he slept then dreaming of “Super Heavy Tank” that would defend Corvus with its might.
He would shared it to the generals then rejected but it was approved by the government and King Dieter Becker. Then later the tank was called, “Rammstein” after him. It was the first “Super Heavy Tank” ever built in Forman history. The Rammstein tank was long ranged, heavily armored plated, and its barrel was deadly.
In May 18th, 1965, at the Northern Corvus-Riaan Border, a disputed between Corvun and Riaan patrol guards. When a Riaan patrol guard private was mocking the Corvun patrol guards, how pathetic they were and how would fall to them because of their small nation.
But a Corvun senior patrol guard said this, “I have been here for 40 years guarding my people from oppressors.” “Even though, we are a small nation Corvus won’t fall!” “You’re just an arrogant fool, who doesn’t understand our power to protect our people and our nation from you scum.”
As the senior Corvun patrol guard left, as the Riaan patrol guard fueled with rage then shot him 4 times in the back. Then the Riaan was shot clean in the head by a Corvun patrol guard sniper who spotted them.
The injured Senior Corvun guard was able to get help from his fellow Corvuns. Then shots fire at the border gate between Corvuns and Riaan guards. This would later escalate and beginning of the Corvus-Riaan Border Conflict.
The Corvun people were enraged of the shooting, then later many men enlisted themselves to protect their nation at all cost. The Corvuns had enlisted 19.8 Million during the Forman war before the border conflict started.
This would outnumber Riaan battalions from reaching the Northern Border. The Corvun would have more main battle tanks and Rammsteins.
The Rammstein tanks would turn the Dragon 62 tanks into firing hot scraps. The Riaans casualties would increase and running out of supplies. Most of Corvuns were veterans, seniors, commandos and other ranks from their military academies.
In February 29th, 1967, the remaining Riaan troops were surrendered to the Corvun troops. This would humiliate the Riaans, how a small nation could have defeated their forces.
The Riaan would suffered 5.8 casualties.
The Corvun would have 30,000 casualties.
The Riaan would pay reparations to the Corvuns for the damage they caused at the Northern Border.
Also the senior Corvun patrol guard who was shot in the back survived his injuries and later fought in the conflict. He was identified as Conrad Otto and he told his story about the events that took place at the Northern Border.
This was a lesson to Riaans to not underestimate the Raven Claw.