Celsius Loans! A Complete Tax Guide (Whiteboard Example + Other Resources Linked)
Hi everyone, after many requests we have put together a video explaining how to account for Loans on Celsius!
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MDyhvHdE_g
The short of the long is that when you had a loan with Celsius, you submitted collateral and in return received principal. When Celsius went bust, instead of having you pay back the loan and return your collateral, they kept your collateral and let you keep the principal (if you didn't transfer off Celsius, it would roll into your claim value). However, only a portion of your collateral should be used in liquidation for the principal, with the rest of your collateral being rolled into your claim.
I explain this all in detail in the video with numbers and an example on a whiteboard. It is much easier to follow there.
For those that are looking for the rest of the resources we have put together for Celsius in relation to how to do the basic tax calc, how to account for the second distribution, and how to calculate an alternative approach to recognize more loss in 2024, see the links below.
- How to Calculate Your Celsius Loss (Ultra Conservative): A complete guide of how to calculate your tax impact, step by step
- How to Calculate Your Celsius Loss (Alternative Approach, more loss in 2024): An alternative approach to the complete guide in order to realize more loss in 2024 (less conservative)
- How to Account for the Second Distribution: How to handle the second distribution (goes in tandem with the complete guide)
- Full Step-By-Step Guide using Koinly: If you want professional help and an extremely detailed guide outlining step-by-step how to pull the numbers from a tax software like Koinly, calculate (and optimize) it in excel, and then reapply them to Koinly, then this is our paid option (use REDDIT10 for 10% off ;) ). Includes access to our private discord if you get stuck and I will personally answer and help.
Hopefully all these resources have been a help to the community. Please let me know of any questions.
JustinCPA, Head CPA @ CountOnSheep