Carney's campaign feels like it's from a different

I'm not sure who is running Carney's campaign, but so far it feels like they are running a 20 year old playbook.

First he goes on The Daily Show. A show that is now so irrelevant you can't even get it easily in Canada. You basically have to watch it via clips on X or Youtube.

Plus what audience is he trying to reach? Mainly the costal elites in America? I thought he was running for the Liberal leadership. Why would you do you "introduction" interview to Canada on an American show that none of the Canadian networks carry?

I guess it was a good interview but he just came off as everyone's dad. Not the youthful appeal Trudeau once had.

Again, 20 years ago, going on The Daily Show would have been super cool and would have been seen by lots of young Canadians. Not anymore.

Second, his announcement post on X. A picture of him, his logo, and two words: "I'm in."

Wow! 20 years ago that would have been so bold. Just two words. I'm in. I'm in it for the leadership, but I'm also in it for Canada. Problem? Everyone roasted him in the comments for stealing the logo.

Why does he even need a cool logo? This isn't a general election, it's just a leadership race. A killer logo might have been cool 20 years ago, but nobody cares now.

Third. His announcement in Edmonton. Has this diverse group of middle aged people behind him in suits. Looked like they were straight out of central casting.

Why Edmonton? Because it's away from Ottawa/Montreal/Toronto. Shows he's an outsider. Plus, apparently he lived there once? So it's like returning to his roots. The problem? A reporter asks when he lasted lived there. "When I was 18".... Uh oh, that's not a good look. So basically he never lived any of his adult life there. He's been a European globalist instead.

20 years ago, a rally like this would have attracted a lot of attention from the mainstream media. Problem is, no one cares about the main stream. Nobody is paying attention to this kind of thing!

It's crazy to think that PP and the Conservatives are really on the cutting edge of social media and modern campaigning. Seems like they are always putting out something viral.

Anyways, I'm quite enjoying Carney's campaign so far.

I feel like it would have been a real barn burner back in 1997!