Flames (5-0-1) vs Canes (3-2-0) - October 24th - GDT

Live from Thai express in centennial west tower, another edition of the flames GDT.

This beautiful Thursday brings us a match up between our fire team and the weather phenomenons.

Come in, enjoy the party. Stay awhile. Lord knows I'll be cursing this night shift till 3 am.

The I'm nips deep in nasty, greasy, Thai food encrusted plumbing flames drinking game

u/jobruski goes to the garage. Drink until they return.

Jk we'd die.

Phat Ras does another staredown on home ice - finish and fill

Huberdeau tallys 500 career assists - finish and fill

Every time we see a Kirkland smile, take a shot of tequila

Barb sightings- chug. That’ll mess you up quick. - (u/randoposting)