New best Citadelle boss fight weapons since patch?

*** Edit: I FINALLY beat it solo. My loadout was, M4 (Triple pap, gold rarity), akimbo gs45 (Triple pap, gold rarity), Aether Shroud, Light/ Lion Sword, Light Incantation, Mutant Injection, all perks, and Gobblegums were Perkaholic, Power Keg, and Shields Up (I held these during the boss fight)

My strat was to use the fully charged light sword on the boss as much as I could since it would replenish my armor and periodically use the light incantation to replenish my health. I would use the aether shroud if I felt my health was getting too low

I was able to complete the main quest in 1 hour and 45 mins. Thanks everyone for all the help! ***

Since the Drill & Swords got nerfed and the Idle Eyes glitch got patched, are there any new weapons that are meta for the boss fight? I was too late to cheese my way to beating the boss fight 😂 What are the best weapons to do damage to the boss? I keep dying on the third phase and just looking for the best strat! Thanks for any input!