Winter is Coming - 40+ Multiplayer Game Story! (Ongoing) Come and join in! North RP Story.
Introduction: The Winter Is Coming campaign on the PDX RP Server will be entering its fifth session this Saturday. We find ourselves on the precipice of a new day with the conclusion of the War of the Five Kings era and an independent Northern Kingdom.
At the beginning of our story, a concerned Bran Stark meddled with the mind of an unfortunate Howland Reed at The Tower of Joy and altered the history you may know. There are echoes of those events, but much and more has taken new and unpredictable turns. History as we know it has changed for better or for worse due to his mistake, Bran himself was not even born.
Now with only a few remaining lore characters and a lack of scripted game mechanics, the future of the North is entirely up to us!
Mechanics and Fun!:
For this campaign, we are focusing on the North! The PDX RP Server frequently hosts campaigns based in the world of Game of Thrones and with this most recent campaign, Winter is Coming, we decided to focus exclusively on the North and beyond the wall. We've implemented fun specific Northern mechanics for winter, intrigue, and the North feels extremely fleshed out as the smallest of Houses and given character by the players.
We wanted to bring an experience that placed you right in the North and made it feel more unique and specific then any other RP Campaign for CK3 that could be imagined.
Now.. For what has happened so far..
Brief History and Summary of Events of the last 4 sessions:
For context we play every Saturday at 1pm EST for about 4-5 Hours and after these sessions are complete we have what we call, Mid-Week Diplo. Where we write letters to one another, create discord threads where characters talk and interact, and really flesh out the world and bring it to life! You don't need to be a skilled writer its all about fun.
The First Greyjoy Rebellion - House Greyjoy rebels against the crown after successfully sacking Lannisport and taking the castle of Seaguard. After the Iron Born were rooted out of Seaguard, Stannis Baratheon defeated them on the High Seas, who was assisted by Paxter Redwyne. Once their fleets were destroyed, the armies of Westeros landed on the Iron Islands. The Greyjoys were not easily defeated, as one of the significant casualties of the war was the death of Mace Tyrell, who fell into a trap set by the Iron Born. Balon Greyjoy eventually surrendered, and his two eldest sons, Rodrik and Maron, were sent to the wall. Asha Greyjoy was married to Vayon Poole, the Steward of Winterfell, and Theon Greyjoy was taken as a captive of Eddard Stark.
Second Greyjoy Rebellion - Balon, with the assistance of Euron and Victarion, led a second rebellion, and the first place that Balon struck was Bear Island, where he kidnapped Jorah Mormont, who was rewarded as a hero in the first Greyjoy Rebellion. After capturing him, he took Jorahs wife as a salt wife and drowned him by wrapping him in chains and tossing him from his ship. The rebuilt Lannister fleet destroyed Victarion at sea, with Quenten Banefort killing him. Euron Greyjoy died at the hands of Stannis as he led a raid in Blackwater Bay. Balon Greyjoy was killed by Tywin Lannister's forces during the siege of Pyke.
Wildling Invasions - During the same time of the Second Greyjoy rebellion the Northern Houses on the border of the wall came together to go past the wall to kill a Wildling King who had united many Wildling clans, his name was Chieftain 'Walrus'. He killed Lord Ludd Whitehill and Chieftain Hugo 'Big Bucket' Wull and others during their raids. Having become a genuine threat to the North during the great ranging he was killed by Ser Walton 'Steelshanks' a loyal bannermen of House Bolton.
The Hand of the King - After Jon Arryns death Eddard Stark was made the hand of the King by Robert and he was brought south to Kings Landing where Arya Stark was to be wed to Joffrey Baratheon. Roberts health eventually failed and as it was failing Eddard discovered with the help of Renly Baratheon and Jon Arryns notes that the children were illegitimate. Robert Baratheon died at the age of 45 likely from a mixture of obesity, alcohol, and sexual diseases. After his death Eddard Stark was commanded to come to the Red Keep and swear his allegiance to Joffrey Baratheon, he refused. After he refused his men were cut down, Eddard Stark was taken captive, along with his daughters Arya and Sansa, his wife Catelyn, and his son Barthogan Stark managed to escape from Kings Landing to flee northwards. After his capture Eddard Stark refused to acknolwedge Joffrey as the true born heir and called him a bastard at his execution, his head was removed.
War of the Five Kings - Joffrey Baratheon sits the Iron Throne supported by Tywin Lannister, Edmure Tully who was convinced to fight to keep his sister alive, and the Arryns who married one of Jon Arryns daughters to Joffrey. Stannis Baratheon fights for his throne with the support of his brother Renly Baratheon. The Tyrells and Martells support the Begger King, Viserys Targaryen and his wife Daenerys Targaryen as they land in Sunspear with the Golden Company. The Northerners name Robb Stark the King in the North and Denys Greyjoy who was raised in Winterfell by Benjen Stark and placed in control of the Iron Throne by Eddard and Robert declares himself King of the Iron Islands. After a long and bloody conflict Stannis is assassinated by Viserys, Denys Greyjoy is killed by his Iron Born vassals, Robb Stark is defeated at the Trident and forced to flee north after bending the knee to Stannis in an attempt to win the war, the Tyrells are removed from High Garden and replaced by the Tarlys and Willas Tyrell is executed, and Viserys and the Martells recuperate in Sunspear and Robb Stark in the North.
Northern Civil War - A Faction of Northerners led by Roose Bolton attempt to remove Robb Stark from the seat of the North. Joffrey Baratheon lands a royal army in White Harbour which the Northern rebels which consists mainly of House Bolton, Umber, Locke, and Cerwyn link up with Joffreys forces. The battle of White Harbour commences and just before they can take the city the King in the North Robb Stark comes and defeats the Crown army, destroying them, and the Northern rebels. In the south after the death of Catelyn, Arya, and Sansa in Kings Landing, Edmure Tully, raises his troops in rebellion and fights now on the side of the Starks.
In the south, Randyll Tarly dies and with his twelve year old grandson being his heir the Reach houses band together against the Tarlys. They declare Garlan Tyrell one of the last remaining Tyrells that was spared, who has one arm, one eye, the new Lord of the Reach. They siege High Garden and take it from the Tarlys relatively easily while the rest of their forces are fighting in Dorne. The Martells have success against the crown armies and the Yronwoods who they defeat and they join the Tyrells and the Reach and march on Kings Landing. The Destruction of House Lannister - The forces of Viserys, the North, Dorne, The Reach, The Riverlands, and now the Vale after Joffrey imprisoned his Arryn wife for fornicating with anotheer man descend upon Kings Landing. Joffrey kills himself as the walls are breached along with his mother Cersei Lannister.
Tywin is long dead and Viserys then ascends the Iron Throne and sits the chair having a tenious hold over 5 of the Seven Kingdoms, not including the Riverlands. The Iron Islands find themselves independent once more under House Harlaw, Edmure Tully swears allegiance to King Robb Stark and the North with the Riverlands underneath them declares independence, House Lannister is unseated and replaced by House Plumm. That is where we are left in the present.
The Present and Joining:
That is where you all come in. We want to invite anyone who is passionate about playing Game of Thrones on CK3 thanks to the amazing developers or wish to participate in this story or learn more about it to join. It is WAY more detailed then the simple events that I listed and the details of it are insane! The players are super creative and its so fun for me to participate in.
This is a multiplayer CK3 experience that you shouldn't miss and there will be even more campaigns in the future! With 60+ players participating in them in a serious but fun atmosphere. If you want to RP and participate in a world of Game of Thrones in no better of a way come join.
If you want to join, join or discord and ask in the channels for assistance under the CK3 section. We will point you in the right direction and any questions you have throw them my way.
I love sharing these stories.
Winter is Coming.
Credit to Jakill from our discord for helping me with the post.