I tried to kiss my interviewer! Are my chances ruined?

I tried to kiss my interviewer! Are my chances ruined?

I (22F) had my XLRI interview today. The interviewer (35 m) was smoking hot, and we really hit it off. He very clearly liked me and seemed to be giving me “the look” left right and center. I honestly lost count of the amount of times he laughed at things that I said and he seemed to genuinely enjoy talking to me. We ended up chatting for nearly 3 hours, and most of our conversation wasn’t even remotely about XL—just random things about ourselves. Towards the end of the interview, I had a strange urge to go in for a kiss. It’s as though I completely forgot that this was an interview for college, and my desires got the best of me. I guess I completely misread the situation too, as he immediately shouted “what are you doing?” as I was about to go in for it. I instantly apologized and we kind of ended things awkwardly then and there. I am really stressed out now about the repercussions of this; I put a lot of work into my XLRI application and it would really suck if it gets fucked because of this. Am I screwed?

TL;DR: Tried to kiss my XLRI interviewer at the end of our conversation. I massively fucked up.

Edit: I just emailed my interviewer and both thanked him for the conversation and apologized again profusely. Not sure if there’s anything else I can do at this point. ☹️

Edit 2: The fact that people think it’s a shitpost is only making me realize more and more just how much I’ve fucked up...😭😭

Edit 3: Can y'all horny boys stay out of my DMs? Please?

Edit 4: I love how this post snowballed into full blown hating against gender diversity. Y'all are showing your true colors now