XLRI BM interview was something else

Profile: XAT - 97.82%ile , 9/8/6 Engineering Male no workex (1½ gap years)

Place: The Connaught, Delhi

GD + WAT: Startups cannot compete with established players (or somethong like that)

First panelist was alright, asked me about my internship. Gap years etc. Seemed convied.

Second panelist grilled the shit out of me on my SOP. Bro went all in, seemed unsatisfied with my answer and cross questioned everything. Asked me about hobbies, seemed satified with only this ;-;.

Third panelist was the chillest. Gave me some cases to solve, some situations to pick a side. Seemed very convinced. Nodded and had this bright expression in his face when I answered correctly(?).

In the end, the last panelist said somethi g in the lines of "This is what we expect from interactions like these". I don't know if he was saying that in a good way or bad way.