my kitty is balding?:(
hi everyone! concerned 1st time cat mama here. my girl has been balding for a few months. they started off as small spots, but now the majority of her hair is missing from her paws (the photos are what they look like now. ik they’re not the best photos but she kept moving. the back paw that is somewhat shown is completely bald on the side). when i brought her to the vet, she was diagnosed with anxiety & FIC. the fic has been treated, but she refuses to take the anxiety meds we were given. we have tried every form of medicine (syringe, pill, treats) & nothing is working. she is a carrier cat & comes with me between 2 houses. she has never showed any sign of distress or discomfort in the process, since i started it when she was a kitten. the vet seems to think the changing of environment is the root of her anxiety, but i don’t think this is the case at all. she acts the same at both houses & around a week or so of being there, she starts to get a bit antsy & you can tell she is looking for a change of environment again, so we switch houses. she was obese at one point so the vet put her on a special diet that would help with the FIC & the weight loss. the food did both, but now her entire life revolves around food. we have the automatic feeder in hopes she would stop associating us with food, but it’s no use. she steals from plates, breaks into cabinets in the middle of the night, she’s absolutely insufferable. i’m wondering if the change in her weight is the cause of all of this? is she not getting enough food? we feed her the recommended amount from the vet. she stopped eating wet food awhile ago (her choice, she kept snubbing it.) i was thinking of maybe trying it again, hoping it will coat her stomach some more & she won’t be so annoying about eating, but the vet told us she can only have the dry food that was prescribed. that was a little over 6 months ago now, & as i stated before the FIC is under control now. does anybody have any advice? any thoughts of why she’s losing her hair like this? thank you so much in advance.