Great date. Then she deleted her profile

I went on a date today with a match that I was really optimistic about. I thought the date went really well. We were viking, conversation flowed easily and we had much in common. She also complimented my looks several times. I got all the signals that she wanted a second date, and we parted by agreeing that we should keep talking. I sent her a message a few hours later to tell her I enjoyed the date and asking if she'd like to continue the conversation. My exact wording was "if you're down, I'd love to continue the conversation." An hour later, she deleted her account. If she had unmatched me, I'd just blow it off as the normal online dating stuff, but the account deletion was unusual and has me wondering. I figure that she was talking to someone else and after the date she decided to go with him, but part of me thinks that she may have misinterpreted my wording (if you're down) as a sexual proposition and was highly disappointed/disgusted. Am I overthinking it? I certainly didn't intend to proposition in that way.