My top knot hides some serious hair loss. What’s the best way to let women know what I got going on?

Quick background: I’m 32 and I’ve never done any online dating before, but I’m getting ready to give it a shot soon.

Obviously it would be weird and off putting to have a photo of my hair loss on my profile, so I’m not going to do that. I just know that I need to let girls know ASAP so they don’t have a heart attack when they see that I look like the Crypt Keeper with my hair down. I was thinking to just make a joke about why I have this hairstyle and use that to steer the conversation towards the reveal. It’s not a good look to come off as insecure, so I want to explain it without giving off that vibe. I definitely do think I should say something though; I want girls to know what they’re signing up for and not feel deceived. I know the before and after is pretty shocking. I showed my barber what I had going on underneath the knot and he said no one had ever bamboozled him like that before.

Of course I could just shave my head and be bald. I’m considering it so that I could avoid putting myself in these awkward situations. I’m just hesitant because I know I look better with hair and I don’t like the shape of my head (too pointy, especially when viewed at an angle). I shaved it during the pandemic and tried to embrace it but my parents said it looked bad and begged me to grow it back out and consider taking rogaine. That hurt to be honest, especially since I’m bald because of their genes lol.

Am I overthinking this? I know some women won't care, but I don't want to waste the time of those that will. Also for what it’s worth I want to date women around my age, i.e., a demographic that is more forgiving.