Thoughts on Brad Warner, and a zen master's shortcomings?

The book that really got me into zen was Brad Warner's Hardcore Zen. It's so clear, concise, profound, unpretentious, and down to earth. Now there are other zen and Buddhist authors I prefer, notably Shohaku Okumura, but Warner was a great guide to understand the core of Zen Buddhism.

However, for the past few years Warner has bought into political propaganda and acted in petty ways that I would hope a zen master would be above. Half his videos are about culture war issues like political correctness and cancel culture, and he follows goofy right wing internet figures. I wouldn't have a problem with him being conservative - some of my favorite thinkers are conservative, although I'm not, and Warner seems to be more of a centrist anyway. The problem is that it seems like he's bought into ridiculous internet propaganda that any sophisticated person should be above. I had some very conservative professors when I studied international relations, and none of them would take these kinds of culture war topics seriously. They would see it as a silly distraction. These are the kinds of things "redpilled" teenagers and your angry uncle would rant about, and it seems like a zen master should be above them. However, I also won't dismiss Warner because the fact stands that he's written some of the best books on zen I've ever seen. How do I reconcile this? How could a zen master buy into goofy propaganda?