How Should I Spend My Money?

So I've decided to budget myself approx $700 for "Broadway expenses" in the spring.

Things I'm trying to work into my budget:

  1. Sunset Blvd: I saw it with Glenn Close in the 2017 revival, was indifferent about the musical, but have heard so much hype about Nicole Scherzinger that I want to check it out. Edit: just picked up a tdf ticket for this!~
  2. Picture of Dorian Gray - Because I'm a Succession stan. Prices I think will go down for this one, as I see so many empty seats on telecharge.
  3. Glengarry Glenn Ross - again, Succession stan. I'll watch this cast do anything.
  4. Othello - Denzel, Jake, sort of self-explanatory
  5. Streetcar Named Desire - I missed sale of the tickets, realize I'll have to pay out the ass on Stubhub to see this, wondering if I should blow my entire budget on this

How do you guys think I should budget this?