Doing break ups the wrong way, and it's OK!

It has been 5 weeks since my break up, and honestly I did a lot of thing the Reddit and the internet says you shouldn't do, and honestly I am glad I did. Before I continue, I know this does not apply to all relationships. Mine was a healthy relationship and amicable break up with a lot of mutual respect. This is not me saying that everyone should do as I did, but here goes!

I didn't maintain No Contact, I texted him, I told him when I missed him and that I hoped he was OK.

I didn't delete any pictures or voice messages, and initially I would look at them and be sad and cry and that's OK.

I met up with my ex a few times. We would talk about our feelings, cry, ask questions, and honestly we would hug and comfort each other.

I knew that seeing him would give me complicated feeling, and it did! It made me wonder if I made the right decision, if we gave up too soon. And that's all OK.

I asked him is he missed me. I asked him if he regretted it, I asked him if he would want to try again. And some answers were what I wanted, and some of them was not what I wanted and that OK.

I can say I don't regret any of those actions because I was being true to myself and my feelings. I can see the progress and honestly I am on a path to recover. I don't have the same sadness anymore. Of course there will still be difficult days ahead, but I know I will be OK.

And to all of us going through break ups right now, I just want to say don't be too hard on yourself. Even if you stumble and make a mistake like texting your ex, it will be OK. In a few weeks you will look back and see how far you have come. We got this!